
Pacific Plaza

2020 City Layers Graphic2-01.png

Downtown Dallas Sparks a Green Comeback

This is the first step toward a greener downtown. Downtown Dallas turns a parking lot to an open green space.

Here, we can see the stark difference between parking lots in relation to open greenspace in the downtown core.

The saucer.

This work was conducted during my time at SWA Group in Dallas, Texas.

Throughout the design process and implementation of this project, I was involved in the d documentation for construction of the park. Along with that, I had the opportunity to create a series of graphics that allowed us to tell the story of this new park and the need for public open spaces in Dallas.


A series of layers creates a beautiful composition.

It’s hard to imagine the different design systems that exist in a built project. This graphic conveys these systems: hardscape, softscape, canopy and architectural elements.

Images from the 2018 Dallas Chapter American Institute of Architects’ Retrospective exhibition at NorthPark Dallas.

Images courtesy of SWA Group